Frequently Asked Questions

Common Parent Questions

  • We have worked with all experience levels on our summer travel programs, and there are no pre-requisites. We will be happy to discuss your options to ensure that your teen enrolls in the program that best suits their needs.

  • We limit all programs with a significant backcountry component to 8 or fewer with 2 guides.

    Programs with more “front country” options (ie, our 5-day North Carolina Sampler) can accept up to 10 participants.

    We keep our guide to participant ratio low to ensure a more personal experience for all participants.

  • Professional instruction, all group gear- tents, cookware, and specialized gear- as well as ground transportation from the point of origin for your trip are all included. Personal gear and airfare to and from the trip departure point are your only

  • While we will have cell reception during travel days, our goal is to be fully present during backcountry and field experiences. For this reason, your teen my not have access to his or her phone during parts of the program. This “disconnect” is vital to the success of each expedition, allowing us to be fully present with our peers.

  • Our guides will both be on site so that at least one can meet your teen at the gate upon arrival.

  • We are able to accommodate any dietary restriction that is shared on the enrollment form.

  • All guides are certified in basic first aid and CPR. Every program also has at least one guide who is a certified Wilderness First Responder.

  • Every trip has a gear list that is specific to its duration and locale. Please look those over carefully and bring any questions to our pre-trip meetings. You are always welcome to reach out to us before then with any questions you have about your trip.

  • No. Each application is assessed on an individual basis; an individual’s travel experience and interest may match best with a trip outside of his/her recommended age range.

Common Teen Questions

  • We have had lots of success with both lone travelers and friend groups. We would encourage you to embrace what is appealing about the trip for you, and know that there will be like-minded individuals who are looking forward to the same things. Lifetime friendships have been created between perfect strangers on our trips!

  • Let’s get one thing straight- Emily LOVES to cook. We will share new recipes with you, while encouraging a balance of comfort foods and healthy eating (“is there anything green in that bowl?”).

    We love to eat, so we love to cook!

  • We know that you are here to explore, challenge yourself, and have fun. We do our best to limit travel days to 3- 4 hours at most.

  • One of our favorite quotes is: “It’s hard to learn everything if you already know everything.” We’re so glad you’re willing to try something new! We will be there every step of the way to ensure that you are learning at an appropriate pace, and to support any challenges that feel too big.

  • Start with the activities you are most interested in, and then think about the landscape you’d like to visit. For some, novelty is the deciding factor. For others, there is an attraction to a specific geography that draws us back again and again.

    Please reach out to us if you’re unsure, and we’ll help you choose the best trip for your specific interests.

  • We average a shower every 3-4 days on our programs. We usually take advantage of our in- town grocery days to also take care of showers and laundry.

  • 2 or 3 person backpacking tents are provided on every trip. We travel lightly to maximize our experience and minimize airport, travel, and in-town hassles.

  • The best camera is the one you have with you. We will certainly allow you to use your phone camera if that is your preference.

    However, we will ask that phones be locked in the vehicle each evening to ensure that we are present with one another and everyone is contributing to the group.