Our Team

  • Allen in Acadia

    Allen Frantz, Owner/ Program Director

    “My love for being in the outdoors goes back to being on canoe trips as a 5- year- old with my family on Blue River in Southern Indiana. I was introduced to the mountains on a high school trip, and I guess I never looked back. Being in the mountains, for me, is coming home.”

  • Emily in Canyonlands

    Emily Ross, Owner and Guide

    “Travel isn’t a luxury- it’s a necessity. We learn so much about who we are by interacting with others who are not just like us. Doing hard things reframes our comfort zones and gives us new insight into what is possible.”

  • Maggie (Mags) Frantz, Guide

    “I grew up outside, snowshoeing, backpacking, rafting, climbing, but most importantly playing. I learned how to be, how to connect, how to stay soft and strong at the same time out of doors. I believe it is crucial to create a container for humans (young ones especially) to explore difficult things and to play. I believe in offering opportunities to reconnect with the roots of what it means to be human.“